Giving is Very Jewish

JC3/CHESMA is dedicated to enriching our community. Whether your interests are  cultural, social, spiritual, or religious, JC3/CHESMA is here to serve.

Our membership dues are modest and cover only basic expenses. Your additional gifts enable us to provide engaging programs for you and the Community:

  • The Education Fund covers the cost of study and learning materials for people furthering their Jewish education.

  • The Events Fund covers the cost of cultural and holiday celebrations, visiting scholars and educators.

  • The Kiddush Fund subsidizes meals after religious services. Sponsoring a kiddush has long been a traditional way for people to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, to commemorate yahrzeits and other important times.

  • The Music Fund supports musicians and singers who enrich our services, community celebrations, and events.

  • The Tzedakah Fund provides monetary assistance to needy Jewish and non-Jewish residents of our region. Tzedakah offers a lifeline for countless people and is a moral, ethical and religious obligation.

  • The Building/General Fund covers needed renovations, maintenance, and infrastructure.

  • The Cemetery Fund covers the expenses of providing a Jewish burial to members who lack the funds.

We accept cash, check, or PayPal (which allows for credit cards). Your personal information is kept confidential.

Our general fund contributes 10% of its income to other local SMA charities and causes. Our asset, income and expense reports are available to members upon request. Financials reports are available at the January annual meeting. Thank you!